Connecting to Kwan Yin
Through Prayers, Devotions and Spellwork

Level 2 Final Project
Penelope Hearthwoman

Kwan Yin and Prayers

There are many prayers to Kwan Yin, the Buddhist bottisatva of compassion.  Several of them are listed on .  According to this very informative site dedicated to Kwan Yin,
The following phrase said over and over has been used to invoke Kuan Yin for many centuries. Loosely translated it means - "I call upon the bodhisattva who sees and hears the sufferings of the world!"

"Namo Guan Shih Yin Pu-Sa"

Below are 2 lovely payers you’ll find at the aforementioned site:
Daily Devotion
Goddess of the skies,
Please respond to my cries.
Lift me up in your strong arms,
Away from those who seek to harm.
Shield me from that awful rage,
That shall face me day to day.
Help me be strong in what I do,
And help my heart to remain true.
Give me strength to face each day.
And the hardships before me lain.
Let those who I love - love me in return,
And everyday let me learn.
I bid you Kuan Yin my spirit keep,
While I'm awake and asleep.

Morning Prayer

Oh Gracious Goddess,
Lend me strength, health and love,
During this coming day.
Assist me with the challenges ahead,
Share your devine wisdom.
Teach me to respect all things,
And remind me that the greatest gift of all is Love....

Kwan Yin and Divination

In “Kwan Yin: Myths and Prophecies of the Goddess of Compassion,” the authors include the 100 poems written in the fifteenth to sixteenth centuries.  Sticks are numbered 1 to 100 and placed in a jar, then carefully the jar in manipulated so that one or  a few sticks fall out.  Depending on the nuumber on the stick, the querant consults the corresponding poem, and interprets how it plays into his or her life.  The poems are short quatrains, and it takes practice to interpret their meanings and how they play into one’s life. has an interesting Tarot Spread :
 Kuan Yin Spirituality Tarot Spread
(Copyright Lisa Scott August 2003)

Kuan Yin Tarot Spread
card 5
                                                                      card 3          card 4
                                                                      card 1          card 2                                    

Look on this spread as a Mountain you must climb to heal or strengthen your spirituality (Similar to Pyramid Spreads)

Card Position Meanings

1. Spiritual Past.
2. Present Spirituality.
3. What is holding you back
(What Kuan Yin wants you to know).
4. How to fix it.
5. Spiritual Future.

Kwan Yin and Devotions

As for my own spiritual practice, my Daily Devotions to Kwan Yin go this way:
I light a lotus candle and a white pillar candle.  As I light them, I ask Kwan Yin to join me.  I then light a stick of jasmine incense as an offering to her and then pick up my prayer beads.  Here are my affirmations for each of the stones:

Silver goddess/silver moon ; “I am an embodiment of the Goddess.”
Round hematite and star-shaped hematite bead; “I am grounded and protected”.
9 clear quartz crystal chips: “My thoughts and actions are positive and sincere.”
9  amber chips: (same as for the crystal chips).
9 amythest chips “My intuition grows and strengthens.”
9 tiger’s eye chips ; “All my needs are met with abundance.”

These are followed by 9 chips of rose quartz (love), and then between 2 dangling green beads I have 9 chips  of the following stones; amethyst (happiness), turquoise (protection),  aquamarine (health), amber (physical energy), lapis (clarity and clear communication), jade (prosperity).   I’ve placed those chips between those dangling green beads which represent the world and all the blessings I ask Kwan Yin to give everyone.  The chips are followed by 13 round jade beads representing the 13 Moons of the Year.  For each jade bead I say the mantra Namo Kwan shi Yin Pu-Sa, until I end with the jade Kwan Yin pendant on the other end.  Then I hold that pendant and speak spontaneously, asking Her for guidance and to help me face whatever my day brings me. I thank Her for all the blessings I have in my life (and there are many!).

Kwan Yin and Spellwork

Do a Google search for Kwan Yin and Spells and you will find many spells where Kwan Yin ‘s gentle energy is called upon for healing, overcoming depression, and combating infertility.  She, in  Her loving way, can also be called upon for protection and  guidance.  I like to annoint a jade-green candle with Kwan Yin Oil ( carries it) and ask Her to guide me in the right direction when I  have a decision to make.  My spellwork is very simple and never elaborate……I feel bogged-down if I use too many tools.  For me, simplest is best!

Bonheim, Jalaja. “Goddess; A Celebration in Art and Literature.” Stewart, Tabori & Chang. New York.
Boucher, Sandy. “Discovering Kwan Yin; Buddhist Goddess of Compassion.” Boston. Beacon Press, 1999.
Palmer, Martin “Kwan Yin; Myths and Prophecies of the Chinese Goddess of Compassion.” San Francisco. Thorsons. 1995.

This page is the intellectual property of Penelope Hearthwoman.
