Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery Presents...

Goddess Diana

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

By: Unique Moon

Saying the words hunter, animals, woodland and nature one would think that they are often associated  with a man.  Saying those same words again hunter, animals, woodland and nature,  they represent all the things that this Goddess loves and gives life too.  Her name in Latin represents, goddess of the light and the moon, shining, divine, the open sky  or daylight;  but  we can simply reach her by calling her Goddess Diana.  Her birthplace is shared with her twin Apollo and it was said to be a floating island called Delos but no specific details as far as the date.  Delos is the island that Jupiter and Latona were forced escape to after Juno learned that Jupiter and Latona had an affair.

JBL design by the Sacred Source artisans of Jai Bhagavan, copyright Sacred Source

 Goddess Diana was well known for her virginity and more often than not, she defended her right to be a virgin.  She was known as the Goddess for fertility as well as a moon goddess.  The slaves considered her a patron because they were offered  refuge in her temples.  Women who wished to conceive considered her a patron as well.   Goddess Diana is one of the few that can actually say that her temple is considered a “Wonder of the World” and referred to as the Temple of Artemis.  There are stories told of Diana inheriting the birth story of the Greek goddess Artemis.  The story told is that the wife of Jupiter, Juno found out that Latone was pregnant by Jupiter and she banned Latone from having the baby on the mainland, any island, or any land under the sun.

It is said that Latone discovered the island of Delos and gave birth to twins which ae now known as Diana and Apollo.  It is rumored that after being born, Diana assisted with the birth of Apollo, which is how she became a connected to childbirth and midwifery. As a fertility deity she was invoked by women to aid conception and delivery.   Egeria, the spirit of a nearby stream and Virbius (the roman Counterpart)is said to have been the first priest of Dianas’ cult in Aricia.  Egeria shared in the guardianship of childbirth with Goddess Diana.  Diana is known as a Roman goddess and often compared to the Greek Goddess Artemis.  During the Roman empire period, Diana’s cult was exceedingly popular among the slaves as well as those who had noble status and those of lower class in the community.   During the Renaissance period of  14th -17th Century, Diana was popular in art, poetry and drama.  She is a known archetype and strong female deity.  

By Zee Prime at cs.wikipedia

Diana’s Ephesus Temple

Diana was accepted as a goddess and mother of Witchcraft in the Stregheria religion  which originated in Italy. Goddess Diana has some ties to Goddess Isis as they were among the most popular deities.  There are many facets to Goddess Diana.  Her cult appears to have originated town of Aricia, Italy.  She’s worshipped on August 13-17 with the Roman tradition of a festival.  This festival lasts a week and consists of prayer to her for bountiful harvests and protection.  Many of the worshippers leave  an offering to Diana in the forest or at a crossroad.  Women invoke Goddess Diana to ease their pain in childbirth. The usual offering consists of either fruit or vines. Many worshippers leave offerings of baked goods and fruit.  During this time of festival, there are often notes written to Diana as well as notes written on strings and tied to trees.  The celebration even has the participant engaged in dancing and singing.

Goddess Diana Tunic ~ Original design created by Unique Moon

Diana is also known as a moon goddess and the rumor is that she displaced Luna and now gives directions to the moon from her chariot.  Diana is often referred to as a triple goddess due to her being connected to wildlife, hunting and the moon.  Diana is known for carrying her bow and arrows while accompanied by deer or a hound.  She is often seen wearing  a short tunic, barefoot or buckskin foot coverings.  Some symbols that are associated with Goddess Diana is the moon, water, the sun, buck and stag.  The day of the week associated with Diana is Friday.  The stones that represent Goddess Diana are moonstone, amethyst and jade. Moonstone is associated with the inner goddess and sensuality.  It opens the heart chakra and carries Magickal energies.  This is a direct dial to Goddess Diana.  Amethyst is the stone of strength and protection to which she provides to women and children.  Jade is another stone that is associated with Goddess Diana for her power over conception and childbirth.  Some foods that could be served to Goddess Diana would be blueberries, coconut, cucumber, eggs, grapes, lemons, milk, pumpkin and white wine.  Dianas’ sacred candle color is green as well as silver and white. Herbs and scents associated with Goddess Diana are rue, vervain, verbena, lemon verbena, lavender and fennel, jasmine, lotus, almond, white rose, sometimes red rose, myrrh, sandalwood, white sage, mugwort.

Original design created by Unique Moon
Goddess Diana Tunic ~ Original design created by Unique Moon

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