Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery Presents...



Goddess Danu is considered the most ancient of all Celtic Deities


Introduction - Background

"Exploring Danu” is a personal exploration of the Goddess and how this Creator Goddess Archetype resonates to me .  Danu is a very old and ancient spirit from the Celtic tradition. And although the written information about the Goddess Danu is scarce, the archetype of Danu as the creator mother, nurturer , earth goddess of land, waters, and all of nature still resonates within us at a soul and intuitive level.

So this project is about exploring Danu for myself on a personal level and I invite you to join me on this adventure through this web page.  To quote author Carol Christ , “Truth is always seen as only knowable second hand,”. However, since the written information is lacking about the Goddess Danu , we have no choice but to explore knowing this Goddess thru our own meditations, personal experiences, and intuition .   And with this, we need to learn to trust our intuition and be able to honor our own truths as we believe them, without the affirmation of a written historical record.

Danu is considered to be the mother of the race known as the Tuath De Danann that inhabited Ireland. Danu is seen as the Mother Goddess of all the Gods and Goddess of Ireland. Tuath Dé eventually became the Aos Sí or "fairies" of later folklore. The Tuatha Dé Danann brought four magical treasures with them to Ireland, one apiece from their Four Cities-

Dagda's Cauldron
The Spear of Lugh
Lia Fáil (The Stone of Fal)
Claíomh Solais (The Sword of Light). “ (Wikipedia The Tuatha de Danann )

Danu’s connection to the land of fairy can open a path to explore Danu.  I believe that Fairy Magic is very much tied to the Goddess Danu. i believe magic with Danu is very earth based and also what some call Fairy Magic, but I’m not talking all glitter here.     

Danu is one of my favorite Goddesses and the one I always seek out.  I feel the closest to Danu near water, like a river, and that coincides with Danu being a Goddess of earth and of water.   In connecting with the Goddess Danu I like to be near water or to visualize water in my mind while meditating on this Goddess. Her energy feels soft like the water as it flows softly around you.  Immersing ourselves in water can be very relaxing, calming and healing. I find Danu’s energy similar to the moon's energy in this way. Because this energy is a softer energy don’t be fooled into thinking it’s not strong.  Water can be a very strong force as nature testifies in pelting rain and hail, crashing waves, floods and tidal waves.

Goddesses are multi faceted, their personalities run deep and rich.  I think it is an example of how we as women can develop our personalities and new sides of ourselves.  When I was younger I liked being angry, I was tough to survive. But as I've gotten older I've realized that there is strength in so many other emotions and paths.  I embrace my anger when it serves me, and let it flow on when it will complicate the situation more. I picture Danu as that spirit of calm, in control, confident, the unflappable Goddess.   Danu teaches me that there is incredible strength in softness as in the gentle flow of water. Danu, as a Mother- Goddess embodies both light and dark, young and crone, gentle and violent; she is creation, she is life, rebirth and death. 

There are many lists of correspondences given for the Goddess Danu , however the following is my list that resonate with me. 

Color:   Blue, Silver, Black ( Shiney or iridescent) , Earthy Greens
Stones:  Any River Stones, stacked stones, clear quartz, holey stones and  moonstone
Symbols;  Black Cauldron or Bowl Filled with Water, uroboros (dragon with tail in his mouth)
Animals:  Salmon, fish, snake, 
Dragon:  clear crystal dragon named Menet (from angelfire*)
Elements:  Water, Earth
Plants:  Mugwort, mint, thyme, Irish moss
Planet:  Moon
Wood:  Apple, Hawthorn, Elder
Consort:  Bile’


  “Her name means knowledge, wisdom, teacher, wealth and abundance.  She is also known as Dana and as her Welsh equivalent, Don.
Some references have her as so ancient that she is both Goddess and God and refer to Danu as an all-encompassing Divine Source."   

    This multi-faceted aspect of the Divine Feminine is experienced as the air we breathe, as the river that nourishes all of life, as the bounty and abundance of earth and as the cosmic energy of universal wisdom.

    A Triple Goddess, which means she is able to take the form of the Maiden, the Mother or the Crone, and a Divine Lady who is the essence of the earth, the air and the essence of water, Danu is able to embody the form/energy suited the situation.  Here she brings the power of versatility and teaches us to honor and respect diversity within ourselves and within others and reminds us to honor each stage of our physical life.” (Copyright C. 2009 Rhiannon Barkemeijer/ Celestial Journey Therapy/ Journey with the Goddess Danu/Who is Goddess Danu)

There is little information written about the Goddess Danu that survived through history, but the name of the Goddess Danu is found in the names of the land in Ireland, such as the Well of Danu and the Paps of Danu.   

The well of Danu in Ireland, c. Jane Brideson, (used with permission) from
This is a wonderful site from across the pond that has a wealth of information and is oh so fun to explore!


1 small pinch of soil,. From your property is good
3 tbsp mugwort
2 tablespoons Irish Moss

From Celtic lore and spellcraft of the dark goddess : invoking the Morrigan by Stephanie woodfield, c.2011

Goddesses are multi faceted, their personalities run deep and rich.  I think it is an example of how we as women can develop our personalities and new sides of ourselves.  When I was younger I liked being angry, I was tough to survive. But as Ive gotten older Ive realized that there is strength is so many other emotions and paths.  I embrace my anger when it serves me, and let it flow on when it will complicate the situation more. I picture Danu as that spirit of calm, in control, confident, the unflappable Goddess.   Danu teaches me that their is incredible strength in softness.

From"Legends of the Grail: Stories of Celtic Goddesses" by Ayn Cates Sullivan, Belle Crow duCray I wanted to share this quote:

"Danu is traditionally celebrated on January 18 (Day of Danu), as the wise Great Mother Goddess who shows us the way, as well as on March 9 (Mother Goddess Day). The early Irish honored the role of the human mother, and festivals honoring the Great Mother may go back six thousand years or farther. On March 9, small dolls or statues of the Mother Goddess are created to adorn the house. Danu is also celebrated in the springtime on May 1, as a May Queen during the festival of Beltane, one of the four great festivals of the Celtic year. Each of her three celebration days represents a different aspect of Danu: In January, she is the Wise Woman; in March, she is the fertile Mother; and on Beltane, she is the Maiden or May Queen. She also reminds us that time is not linear, but instead a spiral that connects the past, present and future, which exist in the heart of the Goddess as the present moment."

By Elizabeth Trivia

Elinor Gadon in her book: The Once and Future Goddess makes a case for sacred art that cultures have created since the first cave drawings:  Art is sacred art, the naked body is sacred art and nature and creation is sacred art.  (Gadon, 1989). I am not someone who works skyclad or without anything on, but doing a meditation, and honoring my body as sacred art seems to take the meditation to a different level so I use meditating skyclad in this meditation exercise.  

Find a place that is private,  where you will be uninterrupted, and make yourself comfortable;  for me this is sitting cross-legged. Light a single white candle and begin to relax and empty your mind.   I have a poem I wrote about the Goddess Danu, and this helps my mind empty of other things as I think of the words and concepts;

She is water
She is Earth
Her blood is the water
The earth is her body
The blood flows through the land.
She is deep as a well,
The keeper of Ancient Wisdom and Mysteries.
She is as powerful as the ocean crashing into the shore
And as gentle as the water lapping along the edges to kiss the earth.
She is Water and Earth
And her consort is Fire and Air.
She creates,
She gives birth,
She mothers
She heals
She is growth and transformation
She is magic herself.
Now empty your mind, don't  think, just let the thoughts flow through your mind and see what images and ideas come.
Finish by thanking the Goddess Danu for being with you for that time.

A Ritual invoking the help of Goddess Danu
(This ritual is original but is adapted from an old indigenous releasing ritual.)

By Elizabeth Trivia

I like to go to the water, it is an ancestral practice of age old origins where people have gone to the water to pray and do ritual.   This is a ritual that i do when my heart is heavy. Start with a ritual bath, or smudge with some sage or sage and cedar. Then go out and look for a rock.  Ideally this rock should be about as big as your fist… which I am told, is about the same size as your heart. Also at this time look for a wildflower. Any wildflower in bloom will work. If there are not flowers in bloom at the time you do this ritual, substitute the flower for any gift you may leave, such as a strip of cloth or ribbon to tie to a nearby tree or shrub branch.  Now take the rock to a body of water, a river is best because its currents will assist you. Set next to the water and think of the heartache you are experiencing…. Look at the situation and the factors of it all, and cry as much as you need to. Then envision all of that energy from your sadness and grief going into that rock. Let it empty from you and into the rock. Now ask the Goddess to take the sadness and negativity back into the universe, where it will no longer harm you or anyone else.   Ask the Goddess to let the water wash it away, and throw the rock in the water.

Here is a chant I wrote for the Goddess Danu:

Danu, Danu,  Of Fae and light
Cleanse me (or this house or item), And make it right.
Then shimmer with the magic of fae
And loving light will rule the day.
Wash with water, and dry with wind.
Ground with earth, the sacred fire within
Help me to go forward and strong
And live my life with joy as my song.

Now say thank you, leave a gift you brought, and turn and walk away not looking bad.  
You should feel much lighter when you return home.  Then have something simple to eat, to help reground yourself.

LINKS -  Permissions Granted From:
Jane Bridson,  This artist in the old country shares her wonderful art and words of wisdom at her website: The Ever Living Ones Blog spot.

Aisling Ni Chianain  creator of Rediscovery Danu (a wonderful website across the pond with a great blog, with lots of Celtic information, magic and a gift shop!:

Legends of the Grail: Stories of Celtic Goddesses" by Ayn Cates Sullivan, Belle Crow duCray, read this book for free:
(note:  this link may not be supported if you do not have amazon software on your device, but in the event you do, I wanted to share this resource).

Journey with the Goddess Danu, Who is Goddess Danu, C. 2009 Rhiannon Baremeijer, at Celestrial

The Tribe of Danu; the Tuatha De Danaan by C.C. McKenzie, self published?  no copyright, available on Kindle

Jane Brideson, The Everliving Ones blogspot

Woodfields, Stephanie, Celtic Lore and Spellcraft, Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota, c. 2011

Sullivan, Ayn Cates Ph.D., Legends of the Grail: Stories of Celtic Goddess, C. 2017 Infinatelight publishing , 5145 Hollister Ave., No. 115, Santa Barbara CA, 93111., by Aisling Ni Chianain blogspot

Magical Correspondence of The Ancients,

Statue of Danu from JBL Statues, by artist Maxine Miller, Http://

Christ, Carol - Laughter  of Aphrodite: Reflections in a Journey to the Goddess, San Francisco, Harper & Row, 1987

Wikipedia, The Tuatha de Danann

Gadon, Elinor, The Once and Future Goddes: A Symbol for our Tie. C. 1989. HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022

  Copyright Elizabeth Trivia
June 2018

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