My Lilith Spread

by Brittini

I did a spread for connecting with Lilith. It’s a five card spread with the messenger card being The High Priestess. I chose this card because of the usual meanings with the High Priestess as someone who holds the keys to inner wisdom/knowledge and is deciding on how or if she will share any with you. In the stories I read on Lilith one mentions how she gains all this knowledge from traveling the world and it’s how she becomes associated with the occult. So I felt the High Priestess fit her perfectly.  Also Lilith is about empowering others to stand up for themselves and to take charge in their own life, so I phrased my questions as how I can ask for her help while empowering myself in the process. She doesn’t strike me as a coddling Goddess so she won’t give answers if you don’t want to learn haha.

I have the messenger / Lilith card in the center, and have the cards as follows:

Top Left: Card 1- The Obstacle
Top Right: Card 2- How to Overcome It
Bottom Left: Card 3- What I Will Learn
Bottom Right: Card 4- How to thank Lilith for her Wisdom

In my pull for this spread I have the 7 of cups, The Lovers in reverse, 7 of Swords in reverse and the 3 of Pentacles.

I took this reading (using the information in my companion guide for this deck) to mean that my obstacle is that I am in a position where I need to make a choice. I need to trust my intuition and go with the choice that best aligns with my dreams/desires. 

To overcome this challenge I need to bite the bullet and make this hard choice, since this is a Major Arcana card it’s most likely a big choice I will need to make that can effect me in the long run.

What I will learn is to trust myself and not let my self doubt betray me and cause me to double think my actions. Deep down I know what is right and I need to trust my gut and follow my intuition.

I can show Lilith gratitude / thanks by using this collaboration to build on this trust I am working on (through this spread) and continue to work on this things and build up my communication/belief in myself.

Below is a photo from my spread. Please let me know if you need to know the deck/meanings I used to do this interpretation.

Copyright Mabon 2020